Friday, July 4, 2008
Sometimes ,pupils from schools around the world come to learn in our school.
Being their buddy is fun.
I get to have a new friends...
During recess,my friends and i would have a munch,than go run,play or read in the libaray.
Sometimes dring the Science period,we would have experiment.
once,our form teacher brought a bunsen burner to school!!!Our class went wild when we saw it.=D
It the earlier part of the years,we had to sping clean our class for chinese new year.
Our teacher made the hard work fun...
We cleaned the floors and swept the floors.
It was fun to clean!!I made many friends,so many that they are uncountable!!!
Mabye,more than a thousand!
But the more the merrier.!
I wish i could stay in NYPS forever because its fun!
but of course,i have to leave.
After hard,long,tiring examinnations,we watch plenty of movie!!!
Though i have to leave this fun class,i will make new friends again!!!
Friday, May 16, 2008
A day of fun at the Omnimax
Hello everyone, Thank you for following the blog so closely and giving me your generous support. The exams are finally over and now everyone can sit back enjoy and relax. Though not everyone scored 80 marks for their exams, we decided to go to omnimax anyways. I hoped that everyone have fun and continue to work hard along the way. Now that we have set the target for SA2, I hoped that everyone can work towards it.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
The end of the local immersion and the start of exams!
The local school immersion had concluded successfully and the 3 girls in my class sure had lots of fun in the process too. I am sure there are a lot of intangibles that can be learnt from this trip. I am sure the mummies and daddies also gain something fruitful from this trip as well knowing that their daughters are strong survivors.
I suppose everyone is in the midst of mugging for their exams. I am sure everyone is pushing hard at this very minute and Mr Low would like to wish everyone good luck for the coming exams!! = )
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Reservist 21-24th of April
Jie Kai, Kai Lin, Amanda and Yi-xinn all excited!!
Lee Yi and Herman (the best of friends group)
Everyone listening to the tour guide's explaination
A class photo together
Sunday, April 6, 2008
All that's been happening lately
Some of the different interesting costumes
As your would have know by now, the school introduced the local immersion for the first time this year. Pupils get to stay at Nanyang Girls High hostel for a good 20 days. Everyday they will go school and after that they will return to NYGH's hostel to stay before going to school the following day. Over the weekend, they will have different exciting activities. Well, the girls from my class sure is excited about it. If only I had such immersion during my time...The following are those who will be going to the immersion!
Eden, Grace, Megan, Ferderico
Also we had our prefect investiture lately. Well I am so pleased that 6 pupils from my former class 3E have been elected PREFECTS! Congratulations to them! Well Done!!
My Former 3E pupils
Prefects in our Class 4E
Well I suppose "with greater powers, comes more responsibilities!". I am not exactly a discipline freak but I do have my expectations of my prefects. As for those who are keen to take on the role as prefects, I am watching! = )
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Science Nova this coming Frion 28/03
This coming Friday would be the science nova day where pupils will get to have hands-on experience and get to carry out certain experiments. Not to worry this experiment will not be graded but more of a means to allow pupils to gain more experience in science.
This term is really a tight one and I urged everyone to work closely and submit their work on time alright. I am sure everyone in 4E can do much better than this. Some of your are not really up to standard yet.
Oh yah we are going to Kampong Glam on the 7th of April. Any parent volunteers? Please email me at Have a great day everyone!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Welcome back to school as we celebrate Janel's Bday as well!
The Birthday cake!
My EXCITED pupils
Mdm Leong and Janel's Mummy get excited too!
Oooo Ain't it Sweet!! Mummy and Daughter...