Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A day in the science lab!

Boy, they sure are pretty excited about the on going expeirment.

The 2 "rabbits"

Wei Lu: Genius at work do not disturb!

Si Ying: Hey are my eyes closed?

Benjamin: Heh I want to be in the picture too!!

Hello everyone hoped had an enjoyable lesson today at the science lab. Here are the pictures that I took during lessons. Oh yah do explain to your parents how ice can ACTUALLY freeze without putting in the fridge and how it can lower the temperature but yet increase the melting rate. Heh see if they know about the science behind or not. Test Them k!

Explain why the ice freezes!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Guess who turn up at my house with these??

Ain't is lovely...
Guess what someone turn up at my house yesterday with this lovely new year hamper. To think that she came with her mum knocking at every floor to find out where I stayed. Awww... it's really so sweet! The hamper is sooooo lovely unlike the normal ones my family got because it's HANDMADE AND PACKED!
Well I shall not drag my story longer.... Thanks Grace and Family for this lovely Chinese New Year goodie bag. So sorry I wasn't at home to personally receive it myself. Heh this is really what they say, "simple things in life that money can't buy." Thanks! = )

Friday, January 25, 2008

Consolidation Time for science!!

I hope everyone had fun today during the science class. How come everyone is soooo excited that the water can "shoot" so far?? Ha ha but anyway I would like everyone to consolidate on the following points for science. Here is a simple summary so far.

  1. Can be compressed ( However there is a limit to how much it can be compressed. Remember i can only push the plunger but after awhile I can't anymore. )
  2. Does not have a fixed shape.
  3. Air is Matter.


  1. Cannot be compressed (remember how hard i try to push the plunger but it refuse to bulge?).
  2. Takes the shape of the container (meaning if a certain amount of water is poured from one place to another, the amount of water remains the same but it will take the shape of the container.)
  3. Water is matter.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

A little more courage!

We had some immersion pupils from India during the week and today was their last day. As such the presented a dance item to us after morning flag raising. I managed to capture some shots. I was really impressed by them as they were so natural and so good even though they had to perform in front of a thousand over kids.
During social studies lesson, I went into one of the class and asked who dare to do the same to either dance or sing and for a moment no one dared till one of them did. And here is the clip that had me impressed. I wonder if anyone in my class is brave enough to do it? Here is a little Singapore idol in the making.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Origami Contest.

The contestents!

Recently there is a craze in the class and that is folding origami. I am really amazed at how good my class is when it comes to doing origami. I was never good at origami. Each time i try, I only managed to follow the first few steps before becoming so lost at not knowing what should the next step be. Oh well...so I thought why not hold an origami contest for the kids. Rules were simple. They can come up with as many designs as they can but each design can only consist of a maximum of 2 pieces or origami paper. The contest was held during the kids 5 minutes break. And the winning entry came from Beatrice Yong with her Elephant!

And the winner is: The blue elephant proudly done by Beatrice! = )

The girl facing the camera on the right: Beatrice

She is really so good at origami isn't it. The elephant really looks sooooooo real! She took home with her a small packet of M&Ms. I am really so amazed with this girl for being so gracious. When I offered her 2 prizes (another lollipop) she politely decline and thank me profusely for the chocolates. Indeed a good example that I felt I really had to commend.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Singapore Science Center!

Of Coz that is not me in the picture!!
Heh as part of the teaser, I have put a picture of the Singapore Science Center. Being the P4 science level driver, it is official that we are going to have some funds made available to us to bring pupils for science related field trips. Mdm Serene Leong will also join us for this trip. W-A-I-T !! Don't be so happy yet hor!! There is a catch to it. As your know that rewards in Singapore is always tied to performance of some sorts, this trip will be no exceptional!! ( Mr Low gives off an evil smile.) We will all go to the science center if everyone does well for SA1, else stay in school and do all the boring work....So better study hard!! = )

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Appointed Prefects and New Discipline Monitor

Lee Yi, Benn Tan, Han Wei and Eadric
Greetings to our 3 newly appointed prefects-to-be, Lee Yi, Benn and Han Wei. They have successfully cleared their interviews and waiting for their official appointment. Not forgetting Eadric the new discipline monitor. Well for a start, Congratulations to all 4 of them. However Mr Low would expect higher discipline standards from them as they are all role models for the Class. Well for a start, What makes a leader? and What actually makes a good leader in the Primary School context? Let's have a discussion on this during Monday's FTI period!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Our Done up Classroom.

Finally after 3 weeks our classroom are more or less done up. Here is a few photos to show everyone. Thanks to Mdm Serene Leong effort for the hard work as well as the generous contributions of eliza. Speaking of contributions, Grace has generously donate some decorative items for the Chinese new year. Stay tune to find out what is it. Also we have 2 guest from China. All thanks to Han Wei and Megan that they are so well taken care of.

It sure is tiring for Han Wei. See how tired she is!

Megan and her partner from China!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Guess the number of almond cookies in the jar!!

I find that pupils are pretty good when it comes to rounding off for figures but sorta weak when it comes to estimate. Having worked with P4 kids before, I find that it is because they are not able to relate the size of the object to the size of the container that contains the objects. As such they tend to over or under estimate.

So I brought a jar of cookies today to the class and asked the class to estimate the number cookies. The rules were pretty simple
1) No shaking of my cookie jar
2) No stealing of cookies from my jar.

The number of cookies will be revealed real soon!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Remember the 3 rules!!

Aiyo!!! I really had a hard time marking your class activity books. I find that quite a few of your have made careless mistakes. Okie We shall have a revision lesson on Monday!! Remember the 3 rules in doing rounding up of numbers?? Okie let's do a recap once again.

Step 1 : Check what the question is asking for. (e.g. are they asking for rounding up to the nearest tens/hundreds/thousands?)

Step 2 : Look at the DIGIT next to the place value of the question. ( if question ask for hundreds you look at the tens, if they ask for tens you look at the ones). Next if its 5 or more , we round up, if not we round down.

Step 3 : If the question wants us to round off to the nearest hundred, the tens and ones become 0, if they want us to round off to the nearest tens then the ones become 0.

Okie? Cool everyone? = )

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Logging Into Lead.com website

Hi Dear Parents, as the trend drives towards e-learning, our school has been actively promoting e-learning to pupils. In case some of your whom may have missed out, last year the P5 had e-learning from home. Instead of coming to schools, Pupils actually stay at home and accessed the portal and complete assignments from the portal. For a start, I would like to find out if any child has difficulty accessing the Internet from home. Pls drop me and email. (Its Low_kiah_wee@moe.edu.sg)

Today the boys helped with the cleanliness of the classroom and they sure can do some household chores though they were errr somewhat a little messy! = )
All Thanks to the generous donation of Federico that we now have an additional broom to sweep with and we are in dire need of brooms. So if anyone who don't mind donating used or new brooms to the class ... pls help us!!

Ferderico and our new broom!

The boys getting hold of the broom.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hi everyone, here is our newly decorated classroom. Wow I am really surprised today beacuse Ryan C. is actually soooooo good at origami. Here are some photos of the class layout as well as how the class looks like now. Enjoy.

The class noticeboard with borders!

The classroom layout.

The Origami Experts!

This is the classroom Tree!! = )

The Origami experts.
OOoooo and the English Teacher, Mdm Leong has started a competetition between the boys and the girls whereby the winners each term will be rewared with an ice-cream while the "runners-up" will have to clean the classroom...wahahah...that sure is interesting!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Resources for Decorating the class.

Hi everyone, thank you so much for the strong support in doing up our class. I believe that with a more cosy environment, everyone will enjoy school even more. Having a class to call our own (at least for a year) and having the ownership of decorating the class will train everyone to become more responsible and as well as have fun in the process of doing up the class. As promised for those groups who can contribute to the borders for the noticeboards, here is the link on where we can get more. The vendor will be coming to the school on Thursday. So for those groups who are doing up the borders, it is a chance to save on a trip over the weekend. Meanwhile enjoy the weekend and have a Blessed one. = )


P.S. ha ha I do not benefit from the sales of their stuff.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Maths Lesson

For maths we are learning numbers to 100,000 as well as rounding off and estimation. Hmmm so I thought why not learn numbers to a 10,000 and rounding off and estimation together for start?! As an introduction to the lesson, here is a website that I would like to share with everyone.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


me and mdm leong
This year's classroom theme for primary 4 is nature and today I had a glimpse of how my pupils work in class. As there are insufficient materials to decorate the classroom, the class came together to brain storm for more ideas and we had a wonderful idea from Beatrice Yong to design a beautiful rainbow as well clouds and flowers from eliza.
Eliza at work! Beatrice and group members.
Who says boys are bad at art! ha ha...

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Commencement of Timetable

Dear Parents , We are going to start lessons this coming Friday (4th Jan). A copy of the timetable will be handed out to the pupils tomorrow. Pupils may bring their maths and science file, maths activity book (4A part 1) and their science workbooks (energy and cycle) and leave them in school. In this way pupils need not carry such heavy load to school too! Lockers will be issued to the pupils shortly too! Cheers! = )

1st Day in School.

Welcome everyone to the blog for our class. I have specially set up this blog as a communication tool for our class and also to keep everyone updated about events that happen in the class. For a start, I am Mr Low Kiah Wee (Low_kiah_wee@moe.edu.sg), form teacher of 4E. I will be teaching the class Maths and Science. Mdm Leong Shuet Lai (leong_shuet_lai@moe.edu.sg) will be teaching English and Mdm Neo Hui Wan (neo_hui_wan@moe.edu.sg) Chinese. I am excited about my new class 4E and I am looking forward to working closely with everyone. I will be posting pictures shortly so stay updated!!