Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Addressing all Parents!
Basically the class did not do well with almost half the class scoring 30 marks or less. For the first time, pupils this year have to sit this problem based task as such they are not really comfortable with the questions. Instead of the usual "one answer only" problems, pupils now have to give all the POSSIBLE answers and as such they tend to overlook. For most pupils, you will observe that they did not do well in the areas where they are asked to list possible answers like the arrangement of chair and table combination, as well as questions asking them for their opinion like which is a better deal 10 or 11 chairs. This is very common amongst pupils at this level. So fret not! I am sure they will do better in this coming test on Friday.
As the schedule is very tight for me due to the upcoming Shanghai trip. This Friday's paper may only be returned to pupils when school reopen. As for those parents who wishes to view the paper, I am afraid this can be done only when school reopens. I am sorry for any inconveniences caused.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Amendments to the date of Problem Based Task
"Does anyone have a coin for to toss??"
"Genius at work!! Do not disturb!"
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Test Date for PBT
Please kindly take note that the official test for the problem based task would be conducted on 1st of March. The actual test would be 1 hour and 45 minutes long. There will be a mock test some time this week and pupils will be allowed to bring the mock test paper back home. As I will be bringing pupils to Shanghai from the 5th till the 11th, I can only show the paper to those who wants to see when I am back. Any parents who are concern with the progress of your child and would like me to give you a call or meet in person, please feel free to email me. Thank you.
Best Rgds,
Mr Low
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Problem Basked Task Test in week 9.
I would like to inform every that there will be a problem based task coming up in week 9. It would coincide with the upper primary CA (P5 & 6). The grades of this test will not be considered in the report card but just as a gauge of pupils' progress where problems based tasks is concern.
We will do a practice paper with pupils in week 8. ( the questions are from last year's test). For this coming test in week 9, pupils will not be allowed to bring the paper home but instead a copy of the rubrics which requires parents' signature will be given. The reason being that we might want to re-generate or modify the questions again. However if parents do wish to see the paper, please feel free to make an appointment with me. I would like to inform parents that they are only allowed to see the paper.
Please reinforce the following ideas which I have shared with the pupils in class.
1) Pupils are to do question by question as the questions are related to one another. E.g. they cannot do part C without getting the answer in part B.
2) There will be questions whereby there are more than one answers.
3) Unlike normal questions, problem based tasked usually has questions bounded by a few constrains. As such pupils have to consider ALL constrains carefully
Please feel free to clarify any doubts with me. Thank you.
Monday, February 11, 2008
On the 5th day of the new year
Up next is the presentation of Mandarin Oranges to the Board of Directors. Well surprised to find many of my pupils over there.
Notice our new monitor badges?
That's Yu Keng at the back. His Dad was my professor in NTU and now I am his teacher. What a small world...
The rest of the P4 kids had Hui Chun at the courtyard. What a beautiful scenary to see so many pupils taking part in it and of course our very own pupils in their Lunar New Year customs taking part in the Hui Chun. Very lovely isn't it.
The following photo was taken during the Ai Xin Hong Bao. Every year we always take a little time off to think about the needy during the festive season. Well not everyone has a family to reutrn to. So it is a really good gesture to help the needy. Han Wei collected from the whole class and dropped the red packets into the sharity box.
Monday, February 4, 2008
WIshing Everyone A Happy Chinese New Year!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Some interesting websites for maths.
Have fun everyone! = )
Friday, February 1, 2008
Cute little piggy
Guess what this is!!! It's actually a sweet! Well my ex pupil Victoria Fam gave me this and they actually came in a pair.