Friday, May 16, 2008

A day of fun at the Omnimax

The boys!
Kailin and Amanda who are camera shy

This is Mark and Kong tat
Megan and Han wei All ready!

Hello everyone, Thank you for following the blog so closely and giving me your generous support. The exams are finally over and now everyone can sit back enjoy and relax. Though not everyone scored 80 marks for their exams, we decided to go to omnimax anyways. I hoped that everyone have fun and continue to work hard along the way. Now that we have set the target for SA2, I hoped that everyone can work towards it.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The end of the local immersion and the start of exams!

From L to R ( Megan, Grace and Eden)

The local school immersion had concluded successfully and the 3 girls in my class sure had lots of fun in the process too. I am sure there are a lot of intangibles that can be learnt from this trip. I am sure the mummies and daddies also gain something fruitful from this trip as well knowing that their daughters are strong survivors.

I suppose everyone is in the midst of mugging for their exams. I am sure everyone is pushing hard at this very minute and Mr Low would like to wish everyone good luck for the coming exams!! = )