Friday, January 25, 2008

Consolidation Time for science!!

I hope everyone had fun today during the science class. How come everyone is soooo excited that the water can "shoot" so far?? Ha ha but anyway I would like everyone to consolidate on the following points for science. Here is a simple summary so far.

  1. Can be compressed ( However there is a limit to how much it can be compressed. Remember i can only push the plunger but after awhile I can't anymore. )
  2. Does not have a fixed shape.
  3. Air is Matter.


  1. Cannot be compressed (remember how hard i try to push the plunger but it refuse to bulge?).
  2. Takes the shape of the container (meaning if a certain amount of water is poured from one place to another, the amount of water remains the same but it will take the shape of the container.)
  3. Water is matter.