Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Origami Contest.

The contestents!

Recently there is a craze in the class and that is folding origami. I am really amazed at how good my class is when it comes to doing origami. I was never good at origami. Each time i try, I only managed to follow the first few steps before becoming so lost at not knowing what should the next step be. Oh I thought why not hold an origami contest for the kids. Rules were simple. They can come up with as many designs as they can but each design can only consist of a maximum of 2 pieces or origami paper. The contest was held during the kids 5 minutes break. And the winning entry came from Beatrice Yong with her Elephant!

And the winner is: The blue elephant proudly done by Beatrice! = )

The girl facing the camera on the right: Beatrice

She is really so good at origami isn't it. The elephant really looks sooooooo real! She took home with her a small packet of M&Ms. I am really so amazed with this girl for being so gracious. When I offered her 2 prizes (another lollipop) she politely decline and thank me profusely for the chocolates. Indeed a good example that I felt I really had to commend.